Isolated biomolecules and biomolecular interactions
Berlin, June 12 - 17, 2010
The international conference IBBI 2010 will bring together leading
scientists working in diverse fields related to isolated biomolecules
and to the interactions with their surroundings. It is a continuation
of a series of successful meetings held in Les Houches, France
(2000), Wildbad Kreuth, Germany (2002), Exeter, UK (2004),
Prague, Czech Republic (2006) and Valladolid, Spain (2008).
Topics include experiments and theory on:
- Structures of isolated peptides
- Fundamental aspects of intra- and intermolecular interactions
- Biomolecular ions and mass-spectometry
- Folding, unfolding and aggregation of proteins
- Dynamics of biomolecular systems
- New experimental and theoretical techniques
The program will feature invited lectures, posters as well as a number of "hot topic" presentations, which will be selected from the poster abstracts a few weeks before the conference
Important dates:
- 15 February 2010: early registration and abstract submission starts
- 1 April 2010: early registration closes
- 1 May 2010: abstract submission closes
Download Book of Abstracts

Download Announcement
